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7 Motors To Power Your Way (Grade 6)

Grade 6


A lyrical, reflective, yet harmonically and technically intricate, multi-movement work for unaccompanied tuba


Commissioned by a consortium of players, led by Jerome Stover, on behalf of Professor Mouthpiece. Now available as a complete set, this work will also be made available as independent movements (varying difficulty levels).



7 Motors To Power Your Way (Grade 6)

$25.00 Regular Price
$21.25Sale Price
  • Title: "7 Motors To Power Your Way"

    Orchestration: Chamber music

    Kind: Unaccompanied Solo

    Difficulty: Grade 6

    Duration: 9 Minutes

    Instrumentation: Tuba


    Notes on the work

    This piece represents 7 different iterations on the idea of a motor, and it’s usage (in all its forms; not just mechanical ones) throughout daily life. Think about it; a motor is something that powers the vehicle, gives strength, propulsion, usually through the dynamic use of a system that’s been designed with a specific purpose. With this idea in mind, there are 7 versions of this “motor” that I have chosen to express in this presentation; each one will feature a code name, or a nickname; and each nickname serves as the title of its respective movement (EX. Engine, AKA “Pedal To The Metal”). 

    In order, the “motors” are:

    1. Charisma - “Candid”
    2. Heart - “Song”
    3. Air - “Huh”
    4. Engine - “Pedal To The Metal”
    5. Body - “Fast Stuff”
    6. Soul - “No-Name Melody”
    7. Horsepower - “Triple Crown 👑"


    Additional Commissioners

    • Glen Dimick 
    • Clay Garrett 
    • Ralph Jean Paul 
    • Bud Johnson 
    • Keith Packman 
    • Forrest Parker 
    • Richard Antoine White 
  • This work can be heard in its entirety, here.

© 2016 by Wiliam May. Proudly created by Erin Robinson

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